Farmers of Junagadh district in India's western state of Gujarat have incurred losses as heavy rains have devastated the crops in the province. The continuous rainfall in the area has caused huge crop damage pushing farmers in a dilapidated condition.
"The first rainfall was good for the crop. We sprayed fertilisers in the field. We even took loans from the bank to grow crop but the rains ruined it completely. Now we are left with nothing, we are almost unemployed now," said Vinod Parmar, a farmer.Now, the farmers are praying gods to be generous and further seek help from the government.
"In field cultivation, there are quite a lot of crops of groundnuts and sugarcane, which has damaged that, will have an effect on the farmers' income. Hopefully, if the rain gods are generous enough, they (farmers) might make good with the current season of the groundnuts. But what about the losses? I pray somebody takes care of that," said Jerey Fernandez, another farmer.
The monsoons this year have been particularly heavy across India, causing floods in many areas and devastation of property worth hundreds of millions of rupees.
India is basically an agriculture economy and about 600 million of the billion-plus population depends on agriculture for their livelihood