Mayawati, Chief of India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh addressed a meeting of its party workers (Bahujan Samaj Party workers) in the provincial capital Lucknow on Saturday (November 13) to discuss strategies ahead of the state assembly election in 2012. Party workers from all the regions of the state attended the meeting and agreed to abide by the directions given by Mayawati ahead of the state assembly election.
"We have come here as Behenji (Mayawati) called us. All the directions given by Behenji will be followed. This meeting was held with the party workers and chief of party of every region," said Sitaram, a Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) worker.
The party workers added that following the directions given by Mayawati will be beneficial to the party as well as the state and in the years to come the party members will make their best efforts to make Mayawati as the Prime Minister of India.
The party workers further informed that directions given by the state chief will further benefit its members and will also benefit all the regions of the state.
"We came here for the meeting as Behenji (Mayawati) called us. We all heard what Behenji said and our party will be benefited a lot from that. We all will be benefited; our region as well as our state will be benefited. In the years to come we will make our best effort to make Behenji as the Prime Minister," said Phool Chand, another Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) worker.
After three short tenures between 1995 and 2003, it is Mayawati's fourth term as the Chief of the state. Mayawati is also the Chief of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), which was founded in 1984 by a political leader Kanshi Ram.


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