Bollywood actors Govinda, Celina Jaitley and Vivek Oberoi revealed their plans to perform on New Year's eve, in Mumbai city of India's western state of Maharashtra on Friday (November 12) .
All three actors will be performing on December 31 at different venues.
Celina Jaitley who would be performing in Mumbai is ecstatic to welcome New Year with fans and family.
"It is a special feeling to perform on 31st and also when you have your family along with you. Very few experience welcoming it in such a way. I am really looking forward to it," said Jaitley.
Oberoi, who would be performing for the first time on New Year's eve, said he felt both nervous and excited when he will perform in Dubai.
"It is for the first time that I will be performing on New Year. Therefore it is very special for me. I have received a lot of love from the people of Dubai. My films also do extremely well in Dubai, so I am really looking forward to it," said Oberoi.
Govinda also shared similar feelings, adding that it gave him immense pleasure to celebrate special occasions with fans.
"To share with yourself and your fans what you are feeling on such a special occasion is a beautiful experience," he said
Govinda will be performing in New Delhi.
Bollywood celebrity performances on New Year eves have become an annual affair. The actors demand huge sums of money to perform at such events.
All three actors will be performing on December 31 at different venues.
Celina Jaitley who would be performing in Mumbai is ecstatic to welcome New Year with fans and family.
"It is a special feeling to perform on 31st and also when you have your family along with you. Very few experience welcoming it in such a way. I am really looking forward to it," said Jaitley.
Oberoi, who would be performing for the first time on New Year's eve, said he felt both nervous and excited when he will perform in Dubai.
"It is for the first time that I will be performing on New Year. Therefore it is very special for me. I have received a lot of love from the people of Dubai. My films also do extremely well in Dubai, so I am really looking forward to it," said Oberoi.
Govinda also shared similar feelings, adding that it gave him immense pleasure to celebrate special occasions with fans.
"To share with yourself and your fans what you are feeling on such a special occasion is a beautiful experience," he said
Govinda will be performing in New Delhi.
Bollywood celebrity performances on New Year eves have become an annual affair. The actors demand huge sums of money to perform at such events.