Lepakshi Temples Andhra Pradesh Lepakshi is actually a small village that is situated in the east of Hindupur, which falls under the Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. This settlement is famous for its artistic temples, which date back to the 16th century. A striking specimen of the Vijayanagar style of architecture is the Lepakshi Temple. It has a huge complex where three shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Virabhadra are to be found. Lord Virabhadra is the wrathful form of Shiva, the patron deity of the Nayak rulers.
The temple has a central pavilion, embracing all the three shrines. This pavilion is further connected with an intermediary hall and a hall for ritual dance. A large open court that is accessible from the east surrounds the main hall. Lepakshi Temple perhaps houses the largest monolithic structure of Nagalinga in India. Another exquisite statue of Lord Ganesha captures the attention of everyone, especially when people enter the second interior court.

The interiors boast of impressive sculptures in half-relief on the granite pillars. The carvings represent dancers, drummers and divine musicians. Here, you can see Lord Brahma playing drums, celestial nymph Rambha dancing and Lord Shiva engaged in 'Ananda Tandava'. In the intermediary hall, there is a frieze that depicts geese with lotus stalks in their beaks. The flawless carvings adorn the entire temple perpetually, all of them done with the minutest of details.